Questions & Answers

2004 Ford explorer not seeing inputs from lock

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I installed my EVO-One and was trying to program it to see the keys and this is when i first noticed that the evo was not seeing the inputs from the factory key lock and unlock, luckily i was able to get around it by starting the car with the key, and it accepted it, so further down the road i now have it fully programmed and installed, i turned on the feature that when you start the car and step on the brake it locks the doors, which it does, then when you shut the car down the doors unlock, which it also does, so the Evo is able to control the locks fully, but it is unable to see the command from the car, do i have to have a seperate remote because i really don't wish for that, am i missing something? like i said it sees the car start, it sees it shut down it controls the locks fully, but when i push the button the evo doesn't respond to the inputs at all. is it a setting that i messed with by accident?
posté Oct 29, 2024 dans la catégorie Ford par madman6673 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

"do i have to have a seperate remote"

- Yes, as stated on the fortin website an rf kit is required, remote start from the factory fob is not supported.


Best regards.
répondu Oct 29, 2024 par derek g (357,480 points)