Questions & Answers

Ready Mode turns off when closing the door on a manual 2013 Scion FRS Key Start

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After wiring everything correctly and triple checking all the wirings I can control lock, unlock and even engine shutoff using the mobile app but for some reason after putting the car in ready mode and closing the door the engine shuts off, and when trying to start it again using the mobile app it starts for half a second then shuts off

I tried resetting the module and reflashing multiple times and even went back to the frimware recommended in the guide but now it's saying that the decryptor's limit has been reached...

and it's still giving me the same errors

SN: 002B04 664699
posté Sept 11, 2024 dans la catégorie Scion par Ayham Hadeed (180 points)

1 Réponse

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if it is attempting to start, then it is not a ready mode issue.

It sounds like the light blue/black immo data wire is on the wrong side of the vehicles immo data wire. It need to be on the vehicle side and not the connector side.
répondu Sept 12, 2024 par Robert T (304,010 points)
élue Sept 26, 2024 par Ayham Hadeed