Questions & Answers

What parts to need need for a keyed no remote 2019 F150 to remote start with my phnoe without cutting any OEM wiring?

0 votes
2019 F150, Keyed. No remotes. Just want remote start from phone or from a supplied remote. Do not want to cut any of the OEM wiring.
posté Dec 15, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par Donald Bridson (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

You would need the following parts for remote start using a smart phone:

1- evo-fort2

2- evo-start-lte

3- flash link updater


Please note:

-2 OEM keys are required to program the unit to the vehicle.

-The fort2 harness does open circuits in the vehicles wiring.

-Dealer scan tool can be required in certain cases to enable specific key programming parameters.


Best regards.
répondu Dec 15, 2023 par derek g (357,480 points)