Questions & Answers

2020 Trax

0 votes
2020 trax, using the GMT-1 All hooked up, All programed, reconnected to the car and will not work.

No lights come on, Red,Yellow, or Blue. Turn the ignition on with the key and get a yellow light.
posté Dec 2, 2023 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Denis Hamel (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Dont press lock 3x too fast.

Does the BLUE LED flash once per lock press? If no, you will have to reprogram the unit.
répondu Dec 2, 2023 par Robert T (305,380 points)
The blue light flashes for every time the lock is pushed then the red light comes on.

It trys 2 times, blue flashes quick, red comes on steady,

then I get the red light flashes 3 times.
No crank would typically mean an incorrect value for the passlock/vdata.


Please follow the reset instructions here:


Once reset, enable option C1, D1, D2. No need to turn OFF anything.
Reprogram to car
Redo Dcryptor
I did every thing you said and still won't work. I get the 3 red light flashes after the first attempt

to start.
Called tech support. After testing with them turns out the control box is defective.

Thanks for the help!!