Questions & Answers

2002 VW Jetta manual transmission Evo-One installation advice needed it

0 votes
I need to install Evo- one for 2002 vw jetta manual trans. Only found Guide # 18171  ( for Automatic : connection and programming) + sacrficing a key. My Question for manual trans same model and year  is it the same as in guide # 18171 without cutting the yellow wire or there is a diffrenet wiring connection and modul programming ?: I don't see clutch wiring or specific wiring guide for 2002 vw manual transmission.. I am confused  how to do the right wiring and programming .as well. How I install Evo-one on this car? need RIGHT GUIDE.
posté Nov 15, 2023 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Daud Suleiman (440 points)
ré-ouvertes Nov 15, 2023 par Daud Suleiman

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse


You would follow guide 18171 except you would have to test and add the clutch bypass yourself.

Also hand brake is not covered via data so you would need to hardwire that.

Support for clutch bypass instructions is not offered to end consumers.

Please note rf kit and flash link updater are required.

Best regards.
répondu Nov 15, 2023 par derek g (346,560 points)
élue Nov 15, 2023 par Daud Suleiman
Hi ... Derek are always the best       Thanks