Questions & Answers

Evo One, 2021 Mazda CX5 automatic Not starting car

0 votes
Installed the Evo-One Did multiple program attempts....No start ... Dycryptor seems to  work when plugging in etc etc Pretty much like the other Fortins ive done.No errors on the Flashlink page Ive gone up/down in firmware versions...No Start.....I tried resetting unit BUT it does not seem to reset via Valet button 23 times.....Not sure if its a bad unit BUT now my Flash limit is up near the Max 8.

The Carlink ASCL6 module sees the car and allows door lock / unlock etc BUT no start same as 3x start...... i even tried changing to lock unlock lock settings....No start.

Can i get serial 002B004 165702 Reset Please so i can try a few more resets/flashes

Any other ideas would be welcome.

posté Nov 12, 2023 dans la catégorie Mazda par hofs1 (350 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please reset the module by releasing on red led and then pressing and holding until all 3 leds cycle. Then reflash the recommended firmware and redo programming, your flash limit has been reset
répondu Nov 13, 2023 par J M (64,270 points)
So plug in 6pin connector while holding button then let go when red led turns on (near cut yellow) then hold it down again till red yellow blue leds cycle.... Or am I only looking at 3 leds on top??..
Turns out the unit was in Valet mode No idea how since i never hooked up the valet button No amount of flashing resetting huffing and puffing would release Valet mode ...... hooked up valet button ign on push 3 times ign off BOOM all works fine......BIG shout out to whomever I spoke with from Fortin phone support THANKYOU !!!
Glad that using the valet button got it sorted for you.

Best regards.