Questions & Answers

Can't complete Step 5 - Blue LED don't Flash. Audi S4 2014

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Anyone can help me?

I'm Stuck on Step 5 while programming my EVO-ALL with the T-Harness EVO-AUDT1 on My Audi S4 B8 (2014).

The BLUE LED doesn't begin flashing.

CAN Connections are Good. I Measure round about 3V on the Whit 5 Pin connector between Grey and Grey-Black.

Grey-Black goes to Orange-Brown (CAN-Low) and Grey goes to Orange-Green (CAN-High) like in the Guide described.

I have connected these Cables at the CAN Connector near the Relays at the left bottom under the Driver footwell.


S/N: 001A06905491


posté Dec 20, 2022 dans la catégorie Audi par Vincc (230 points)

1 Réponse

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You have the wrong firmware inside the unit. For this vehicle you should be using friwmare 60.xx, you are currently on 67.xx, please make the correction and re attempt programming.


Best regards.
répondu Dec 21, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
élue Dec 22, 2022 par Vincc
That Worked! Thank you very Much!

In the Flash-Link Software, the Firmware 67.05 is the Recommended one. Is this a Mistake?

Now I have another Problem.

The EVO-ALL did not register every push on the "Lock" button on the OEM remote. Every Second push is not registered by the Unit (BLUE LED not blink). So I have to press 5x Lock to start the engine.

Already tried different 60.xx Firmware versions.

Any Solutions?

When the Engine is Remotely Started, unlocking with the Door Handel is not Possible?

Can you reset my Flash limit?

Thank you!