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Evo-one with DSM550 smartstart cannot shut vehicle down

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I'm having some trouble with 2 units this week. one is a 2015 honda civic,at, pts with evo-one, Thar-one-hon3 with dsm550 smartstart. The other is a 2015 VW golf, key, at, Jan/15, gas. Both worked flawlessly until it reaches its time to timeout and shut down. Set for 15 mins, go outside 35 mins later to find them still running. Cannot shut off with App, oem remote, brake pedal, hood, or key. When stepping on brake or putting key in and trying to shut off, the instrument cluster reads "key system error". The only way to shut vehicle down was to remove fuses/relays related to ignition to stop engine, then unhook battery. Then key operation of vehicle returns to normal.  I do not have the service number for the Civic handy as its back with customer.  The service number for VW is 002B04 267057.  It's almost like its caught in some kind of data loop and cant get out. Any advice is appreciated.
posté Nov 4, 2022 dans la catégorie Remote Starters par Micheal Unger (2,680 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
When the issue happened on the golf, what were the lights on the evo doing? You're saying turning the key off and taking it out of the igniiton and the car stayed running on the golf?
répondu Nov 4, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
Evo was tied up in dash, when I bring it back in I'll investigate that more. Yes, both vehicles acted identically. Could not shut off either vehicle. The Honda Civic, in another town, it ran for a few hours (steering wouldn't unlock). until they were able to pull fuse for ignition coil to shut it down. Then last night I had the same situation on the golf while testing at my shop. Confirmed customer experience with civic, I had to pull fuses to kill it. It would not respond to any other method. I had started it with the smartstart and was waiting for it to time out, after 35 mins I went to shut it off. Smartstart said "error", Golf would recognize door lock commands from oem remote but still would not shut off. Tried stepping on brake, put key on and turned into run position, stepped on brake again, no response. Opened hood, kept running. Started pulling fuses until it died. Ignition still on.  Unhooked battery for a minute, reconnected, car would start normally with key again.
Disconnected DSM550 from EVO-ONE. VW is complete standalone with THAR VW6. Started via lock,unlock,lock. started and after 40 mins of running. (set for 15) could not shut vehicle down by any means other than pulling fuses. LEDs on EVO were yellow and red solid.
Michael, was that with 0.83 also? EVO-ONE on it's own, it should definitely have shut off.
Yes, it was with 0.83, Evo-one, standalone. It would not shut down. red and yellow LEDs on solid. I could disconnect connectors on Evo and it would shut down, if plugged in again right away, the Ignition would immediately be on as soon as connectors plugged in. Would wait about 30 seconds and then reconnect everything and vehicle would return to normal but Evo would no longer respond.

Tried 1.26 stand alone, worked normal. I flashed back to 0.83 and it worked and shut down normally. Tried it at my shop for 3 days randomly starting it via 3x lock with no problems. Sent it to customer and 3 days later the Evo quit responding completely.

Also, 4x vehicles with the Smartstarts DSM550FR that quit responding after a few days-week.

1x with DSM550, installed Saturday night, 2017 Buick Envision, Evo-one, Thar-GM6. worked great until Monday evening when she noticed her lights wouldn't shut off, App and Evo quit responding, Says her radio and dash would shut off randomly as well. Removed remote start until we can find a solution.

I'm really at a loss as to what else it could be.  Using Blue 4 pin data antenna conector B for Smartstart as per Instructions. If it was a cabling or hardware issue it shouldn't work and then quit a few days later, but work after reflashing it. 0.83 is the only consistent feature between these vehicles. I Almost feel like Directed/Voxx updated their firmware at some point, didn't tell anyone, or so it only works properly mating it to their brand of remote starter.
Any updates?
No updates as of yet, it is still being looked into at this time. One thing you can try that was suggested is to remove the connectors between the evo and the dsm500 and to manually splice the wires together between the data link cable and the dsm550.

Thank you for your patience.