Questions & Answers

2018 Ford Focus Turbo Timer

0 votes
Hi there,

I want to set up a turbo timer for my ford focus its an automatic transmission with the Evo-One. What settings do I need to enable on the evo one to allow me to do this? As well how do I use the turbo timer on an automatic transmission. Do I just need to put the car in park set the E brake and hold the start button on my rfk912 remotes then promptly exit the vehicle and locking the vehicle behind me.
posté Sept 21, 2022 dans la catégorie Ford par Alex Choate (1,810 points)
ré-ouvertes Sept 21, 2022 par Alex Choate

2 Réponses

+1 vote
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Option 19 in the remote starter is for the turbo timer run time.

Yes, before exiting the vehicle send start from the rf kit and it will run for the time selected under option 19.
répondu Sept 21, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
élue Sept 21, 2022 par Alex Choate
So I was able to get it going the only issue I seem to be having is being able to distinguish between the turbo timer and ready mode (Idle mode) I can set the turbo timer with no issues. Activating the remote start by pressing and holding until a double green light takes the key out of the ignition. Step out of the car and press the unlock command with the e-brake set. In both scenarios, the E brake was set, and the other time it wasn't. I was still able to set the turbo timer even after activating the remote start with the keys in the ignition. I was able to lock the doors with the OEM remote but not being able to disguise the two features. How would i be able to use the idle mode I have tried setting the remote starter and simply just locking the vehicle with my fob it still won't idle for my set remote starter time only for the turbo timer.

Do you think this might be something that i could tweak in my settings or do i just need to make a choice of the two? As well in future updates is there something that could possibly help disguise between ready mode (idle mode) and the turbo timer feature A simple feature like setting the E brake would be adequate

Heres my SN: 002B04220286
turbo timer is idle mode, just with a shorter run time. they are the same thing.


You could turn turbo timer off and set a shorter run time under option 4, but then your remote start run time will also reflect that selected time.
Thank you for the clarification.
+1 vote
Page 15 of the owners manual explains how to use it, option for turbo timer also needs to be enabled in the EVO-ONE remote starter settings. It is not enabled by default.Option 19.2 = 2 minute run timeOption 19.3 = 4 minute run time
répondu Sept 21, 2022 par Robert T (305,380 points)