Questions & Answers

We have a 2013 PTS Genesis Sedan built in Sept 2012, should we use the 2012 wiring schematics?

+1 vote
We have a 2013 PTS Genesis Sedan built in Sept 2012, should we use the 2012 wiring schematics?
posté Jan 20, 2014 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Ken Toporowski (540 points)

2 Réponses

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Only the ones dated Nov. 2012 and above have a new installation. So using the old plan on yours should be fine.


We just updated this last week and if i look at the Genesis Sedan Push-to-Start on the website, I can see where the confusion is from. the 2013 and 2014 are non existent for some odd reason. I'll see if this can get fixed today
répondu Jan 21, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
élue Avr 9, 2014 par Robert T
+1 vote
Your best bet would be to take a look at the vin for the car. The tenth digit is the date code digit. If it is a C it is a 2012. If it is a D it is a 2013
répondu Jan 20, 2014 par Kris Kaminski (2,420 points)