Questions & Answers

EVO ALL,flashed for HONDA CiVIC 2015 with the right updated Firmware 73.(38) did not work,crank only,wont Run..

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i try to follow all the wirings and flashing of Firmware..on the honda civic 2015,as Seen here at the install Guide,but i did not succeed on the remote start,only lock/unlock & Crank ..
posté Nov 3, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par florencio gutierrez jr. (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?


If you place the key in the ignition barrel and try to remote start it, does it start?
répondu Nov 3, 2021 par derek g (359,100 points)
i installed the EVO ALL on my friends Honda Civic 2015 and its very Far place from where i live,i forgot to take pictures on the Module Details,soon ill visit him to take all the Tag Details (S/N)on the Evo All and Post it here,i only remember the Date is 2019....but as i observed when i put the Key on the key Tumbler,it runs,maybe a minute and shut down,it will try again to start and run the same for another two times then quit....i also connect the door lock/unlock,trunk & foot brake because it wont open when its not connected from the Remote Module to the Evo ALL..,along with this,i also have a Toyota Camry 2012 that i installed same day,but with the same Problem i encountered,.I remember the EVO ALL module i Used in Toyota Date is 2021 ,and for the Firmware is 79.(59),if key is in the tumbler it runs..

thanks Derek for the Reply..
If you were not getting lock-unlock and brake and are using the EVO-ALL in datalink with a  third party remote starter, that means the datalink protocols are set correctly on either the remote starter or the EVO-ALL. You will need to veirfy which datalink protocol the remote starter uses and adjust the datalink protocol accordingly under the "Datalink Protocol" options.
i guess the commands for locks/unlock/trunk & foot brake is controlled by evo ALL,because thats all my wiring were tap in,not on the carside wires,but i will check it also the next time i dropby on my friends Honda Civic -- i installed autostart 2way remote starter, any other help suggestions?

thanks Robb for sharing,