Questions & Answers

Evo All with Fort-4 wont program 2012 F150

+1 vote
I'm having a hard time getting the programming finished on a fort4 evo all on a 2012 f150. Im doing it as a standalone remote start and have 2 keys. I've used the flashlink and made sure its flashed for the truck and standalone. When i go to program initially i hold the program button then plug in the power cord and let off at the blue/red light. I then plug everything else in and start the key process with 2 master keys, it wont ever get to the flashing blue/red 10x doing it that way and the truck will stay powered on even after i remove the key. If i keep the red plug unplugged and try the programming i can get the red/blue to flash 10x but it never goes to the last step of flashing the can bus. I try to plug in the red plug after the 10x flash and it goes back to truck will stay powered on with no key in the ignition. Any ideas?
posté Fev 6, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Tyler Craig (140 points)
modifié Fev 6, 2021 par Tyler Craig

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Leave the red unplugged, do the 2 key programming and get the blue/red to flash 10x.


Then leaving the red unplugged, program onm just the blue led:

- Let go on blue led

- plug in everything except the red connector

- turn key on blue should flash

- turn key off


Now plug in the red connector, the dash should no longer light up and try the remote start.
répondu Fev 8, 2021 par derek g (357,480 points)