Questions & Answers

Can I use OEM Remote monitoring along with Option H2 for RFK411

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Do I have to turn OEM monitoring off to use a RFK 411, or can I select both OEM monitoring and option H2 when using an EVO ALL - FORD1 Tharness - RFK411? Having both options set I cannot get the EVO ALL to program any type of bypass. Removing the antenna allows me to program the EVO using two keys and remote start the vehicle with the OEM remotes. Adding the antenna and following the programming for the Fortin remotes fails on every attempt. Remotes are not recognized
posté Dec 6, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par brutus757 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
There should be no issue with using 3x lock and an rf kit at the same time.
répondu Dec 7, 2020 par derek g (347,230 points)