Questions & Answers

How do I flash the EVO-ONE-SUB1 for remote start to be controlled by OEM key?

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I am trying to flash my EVO-ONE-SUB1 for Remote Start & Alarm system for my 2015 Subaru Legacy Premium.  I went through the steps selecting my car's make, model, year, selected standard key, automatic transmission, yes to alarm, and that I wanted to flash it for both Remote Start & Alarm.  I was told that I would be able to operate this via my OEM Subaru Key.  However, I'm on the step for OEM remote & RF Kits.  I don't see an option for my Subaru Key.  I only see options for other Fortin RF Kits.


Please advise, I don't have an RF kit just my Subaru's key.
posté Dec 3, 2020 dans la catégorie Subaru par Benjamin Kleinstein2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
For 3x lock from the OEM remote you need to enable option C1 in the bypass and option 38.2 in the remote starter.
répondu Dec 4, 2020 par derek g (359,100 points)