Questions & Answers

Do I need to connect all the can wiring just to start car with Evo All Taurus 2010

+1 vote
I have a stubborn Ford Taurus that don t want to program evoride.  Tech told me to use Evo All

Do I need to connect  yellow ignition to immo power absolutely ?

Can I just connect the the related wires to the 20 pin connector only in order to start car ?

since I had everything done before with evo ride
posté Jan 13, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Marc Voyer (920 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
The yellow wire can go to ignition. The only time it really matters is on SA 80bit keys.

So, all you really need is Tx, Rx and ignition. During programming dont do the first section mentionning to let go on the BLUE LED if you are not using the Can-Bus connections. This part programs Can-Bus. Go straight to the second section of programming which covers the actual key.

EDIT: Nevermind my other answer with the EVO-RIDE if you are using the EVO-ALL. EVO-ALL will be  A LOT easier to program since you can use the DCryptor
répondu Jan 13, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)