Questions & Answers

Remote programing with YELLOW light

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2006 Chevy Avalanche EvoOne 441 remotes. Programed module to get the YELLOW light on with ignition. Trying to program remotes but no blue light on antenna and no flash/horn. YELLOW light just stays on.
posté depuis 1 semaine dans la catégorie Chevrolet par (270 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

I believe we spoke on the phone this evening.

Glad I was able to get it sorted for you.


For anyone else wanting the solution to this issue, it was as follows:

- flash remote starter with fw 0.99

- power the unit up in the vehicle for 15 seconds

- re turn to pc and re load 1.26 into the starter

- return to vehicle pair remotes


Best regards.
répondu depuis 1 semaine par derek g (357,980 points)