Questions & Answers

Module loses detecting when entering remote starter mode on flashlink with EVO One and flashlink v4

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The flashlink updater toggles back and forth from bypass to remote starter often with EVO One.  Doing anything where I'd like to edit or do something with the remote starter side, on remote starter mode, the leds all light up momentarily for couple seconds and then the operations fail.  I can trick things around by selecting "special unit" which appears to toggle the modes for the moment.  But I can't do anything such as edit options or update firmware on the remote starter side.  Everything on bypass mode works fine.  I'm able to update the firmware there.  I did a search and found some old workarounds to pull out USB and back, but all that did was lose the connection and the application stated that it can't find the updater.

addon: I tried to flash another evo one immediately after and that module had no issue.  So that probably rules out the flashlink updater and cable.  I made sure the connector is seated correctly.  If it's anywhere important, all the LEDs blink 25 times on the non-working module, whereas the working module did not blink at all.
asked Feb 2, 2020 in FAQ by thomassster (290 points)
edited Feb 4, 2020 by thomassster

1 Answer

0 votes
Most likely a problem on the evo connector. What is 12 digit service number of the module?
answered Feb 4, 2020 by Robert T (305,380 points)
SN: 002B04074439
I have a T-harness and I tried hooking up to the car.  It performed key bypass programming successfully.  Although I'm having issues with trying to attempt a master reset of the remote starter side.  Not sure if it could work when I'm not sure what is the state of the remote starter side.  Well, after performing the key bypass programming, I attempted the master reset with both of my evo ones. One of them where I can see the remote starter tab on flashlink and the other where it continues to not detect module.  Both evos, I had trouble performing a master reset of the remote starter side.  I multimetered the harness and it has all the connections equivalent to the hardwire except the 12V and ground are going to the 4 pin from the OBD2 instead of the 6 pin and there is no ignition wire connection (T-harness guide said to isolate it).  The starter wire looks connected properly, I stripped the wire and wrapped it for now.  I'll solder when I know everything is working.  I did not hook up a hood pin and I did not connect the RFALL642w kit yet since it got late and I didn't want to introduce another variable to the equation.

What I saw when attempting master reset for both modules:

-when ignition turned on, the 2nd yellow LED stayed solid

-I pressed and held the valet button but nothing happened, and the 2nd led still stayed yellow

-I didn't understand the "disarm" portion...was I suppose to disarm it first to get to the mode programming?

It got late and I had to return the customer's car.  Should I continue this master reset route?  I forgot to test out the OEM key if that worked.

Also note, the prius i'm working on is a 2019 AWD-e prius, but i flashed it with a 2018.

Here is the flash of the good module.

SN: 002B04075285

I have a RMA with my supplier to swap the evo out with a new one.  Anything I should try out before I exchange?

What I saw when attempting master reset for both modules:
-when ignition turned on, the 2nd yellow LED stayed solid
-I pressed and held the valet button but nothing happened, and the 2nd led still stayed yellow
-I didn't understand the "disarm" portion...was I suppose to disarm it first to get to the mode programming?


The unit will not allow going into RS programming when it is in an armed state. When armed, the RED LED on the BACK of the unit where the yellow loop is will be flashing slowly. To disarm, press unlock on the oem remote or go into valet mode. 

I have a RMA with my supplier to swap the evo out with a new one.  Anything I should try out before I exchange?

Swap it. I see it was flashed and options set at least once on it. Possibly an issue with the connector itself at that point. Technically though, this does not mean the RS side is not functional once installed.  


thanks, I will try this out when I get ahold of cutomer's car witht he working module since I'll need to figure out how to perform remote programming.  I'll swap over the bad module.

BTW, the T-harness guide for prius 2018 EVO-one states for bypass programming to connect the 6 pin connector, when the T-harness 12 volt goes to the 4 pin.