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2005 Honda CR-V evo-one won’t program

0 votes
2005 Honda CR-V: Evo-one will not program.

I completed the flash link with the evo-one and everything is said to be correct. I'm using for both bypass and remote start from factory key.  I installed wiring based on the online manual for the 05 crv following connection #2.

main 6 pin harness:

red to 12v (white)

yellow to starter (black/white)

Pink to ignition (black/yellow) with the added yellow wire from ignition A plug

black is grounded

orange accessory to accessory (black/red)

white to blue parking lights

A plug: yellow to pink ignition, light blue data to white wire on pin two of cylinder harness, and foot brake wire to foot brake (white/black) right above the brake pedal.

D plug: the five pin at the key cylinder (blue/orange) was cut. The white green was attached at the key side and white red attached toward hood side as shown.


I have power to the evo-one and following the manual to enter program mode by pressing and holding down program button and plugging in power I get the lights going through the flashing sequence, however I do not get the solid red. Am I doing something wrong here or not waiting long enough? Is wiring right? All wiring is soldered connections. I appreciate any help.
asked Dec 17, 2019 in Honda by Timothy Schultz (150 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Let go of the button when the LED is red.
answered Dec 17, 2019 by derek g (359,100 points)
I did that, and then plugged in other two plugs. Pressed and released twice but didn't get the red light to flash and stay on. The red light continues to flash slowly.
any other ideas or help ?
Red light flashing slowly means either the module did not see ignition on the yellow wire OR there is a connection issue with the Lt.Blue/Black wire.
I was able to restart the programming process and it was successful. Thanks for the help!

After programming, I realized I needed an RF Kit in order to get the system to work. I bought the RFK411. Prior to placing the RF Kit, I rechecked the module for all the settings via the flashlink, and reprogrammed in the vehicle. Paired the remotes, cut the automatic transmission loop, and I do not get a remote start. I can hear the module make three click noises and a red light on the interior of the module goes on. (Not the LED indicator light). A single press press produces one click from the module, two presses produces two clicks. The horn and parking lights are not flashing or sounding.

What am I doing wrong? Please help. I'm trying to get this done for my mom for Christmas.

Unplug the module main power and then plug it back in. You cut the loop when it was plugged in. The module only checks the loop on power up.


Also, for the " A single press press produces one click from the module, two presses produces two clicks" if you did not connect doorlocks from the evo to the vehicle, this is why it is not locking or unlocking on the 1 and 2 presses of the remote and is just clicking.



Door lock info would be as follows: 

- Lock on the evo one is the purple wire. It would go to the Drivers kick panel, Gray 22 pin connector Pin 1 White/blue

- Unlock would be the purple/white on the evo and it would go to the Drivers kick panel, Gray 22 pin connector Pin 2 White/green.

 "and a red light on the interior of the module goes on" - is it on solid all the time? Or blinking?


"The horn and parking lights are not flashing or sounding." these wont turn on unless they were also wired in. 
