Questions & Answers

Flash limit reached. 001A06292875

0 votes
Just received new evo all. Flash limit reached. Can I have it reset?
closed with the note: discontinued module.
asked Oct 1, 2019 in Nissan by Mark reite (220 points)
closed Oct 2, 2019 by derek g

1 Answer

0 votes
It's not that the flash limit has been reached. It's that this module is older than 2014 and no longer flashable. If you just purcahsed this as  "new" module, I suggest contacting your point of purhcase as the module dates from 49-2013 and can no longer be flashed and get it exchange for a current evo.
answered Oct 2, 2019 by derek g (359,100 points)
Omg. Last one was hooped. Order a “new” one and it’s garbage now. Retailer will not take back. This I know. Unreal.  Out another $100.  This is getting ridiculous.
Where was this purchased?
Ordered through local retailer.
So nothing can be done?
Unfortunately not by us. You need to contact the retailer that sold it to you. If it is a large chain and they refuse to help, perhaps call their head office.
Unfortunately this sounds like BS. If I bought this in 2013 it’s no longer programmable.       Not very good for the customer who installed and wished to relocate to different vehicle.  Programmer cost and bypass would be useless. Sounds a lot like manipulation to me.  It’s your product not the retailer.  If the product is “expired” it should be Fortin issue not end user. Extremely disappointed.  Plus out cash. Thanx.