Questions & Answers

About Unlocking Module

0 votes

I purchased EVO - CHRT 6 and installed it on Grandcherokee 2016.

I am Japanese and I can not understand English well, I failed several times and finally succeeded.
However, opening the door after remote start will stop the engine, so I tried to change the setting, but the toggle switch on the screen did not work.
I attempted to reset it, set it up again, and when I opened Dcryptor it could not be set.
Examining it seems that the module is locked.
Please tell me how to return.
closed with the note: sent email.
asked Nov 8, 2018 in Jeep by 小口俊哉 (130 points)
closed Nov 8, 2018 by derek g

1 Answer

0 votes
I have replied to your email you sent us.
answered Nov 8, 2018 by derek g (334,350 points)