Questions & Answers

Disarm Pulse.

0 votes

I have an Evo One setup up with a 2017 Chevy Cruze. Does the Disarm output A6 Orange on the Evo One give a negative pulse outpiut on remote start. I need a neg pulse to disarm the auto lights and as the GWR wire will be used for starter kill, this seems to be the best option.


Pat Lynch
asked Aug 15, 2017 in Chevrolet by Pat Lynch (1,120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Disarm might be too early to do anything for your autolights since the vehicle has not even powered up yet at the moment the orange disarm wire has pulsed.

There is one other way you can try, enable function 6 to mode 5 (lock after 10 seconds) and use the purple (lock) wire to pulse you autolight shutdown wire.


Thank you,
answered Aug 15, 2017 by J M (64,060 points)