Questions & Answers

I'm dealing with the same issue. Can you help me.

+1 vote
Bought it on ebay installed it and finished the programming. the blue light flashes when remote button is pressed.

The jeep will not start.
related to an answer for: stand alone evo-all does not start my Jeep
asked Dec 15, 2014 in Jeep by Robert Gregory (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The unit you have is loaded with 4.09 which is a fairly old firmware that does not support 3x lock. Firmware has to be updated. 3x lock and oem remote monitoring also have to be enabled with newest firmware.

You should contact your seller or buy a flashlink updater.
answered Dec 15, 2014 by Robert Gregory (85,210 points)
selected Dec 15, 2014 by Robert T2