Questions & Answers

FAQ - Autostart/Orbit/Viper D2D Communication with FORTIN Evo-All

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This Faq was created to explain how to use the proper communication protocol between the concerned modules while using Data Communication.

When using an Autostart,Orbit or Viper remote starter/alarm products it is possible to use the Data communication with the Fortin Bypass. In order for this option to function properly it is important to turn On the D2D protocol by doing the following steps:

  1. Open the Flashlink Manager software on the computer
  2. Connect the Evo product to the flash link updater
  3. Flash the Evo product to the latest/recommended firmware
  4. Using the tabs located on the top left corner of the screen, choose the Options tab
  5. Scroll to the Data Link Protocol option where D2D can be turned On then turn it On and hit the Save Options icon.


asked Aug 20, 2014 in FAQ by Mukesh Patel2 (1,640 points)
recategorized Feb 23, 2015 by Robert T2

1 Answer

0 votes
hi !! I have some questions. I cann`t open the Option tab. it always prompt "warning : UNIT is not connect" .But I have update the firmware for EVO-ALL .I want to choose the datalink protocol .(d2d/datalink)
answered Feb 28, 2015 by ralph shu (180 points)
how do I select the options