Questions & Answers

2019 volkswagen golf R radio stays on

0 votes
Hi, I installed a evo all standalone in a golf r everything works good only issue I noticed is the radio stays on after the remote times out or if we cancel the remote start , I tried the newest firmware as well as the one on the guide and no changes also tried enabling option d5 lock after start,  is there any setting i can enable do to make radio turn off after the remote start shuts down or i have to wire the door pin? only thing that works at the moment is i press lock again and it turns off.

asked 1 day ago in Volkswagen by Shawn sri (550 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

That would be normal on this vehicle as Fortin does not cover RAP (radio and accessory power). You would either need to open the door or try sending lock from your OEM remote. On this set up there is no output to pulse the door pin as the wire is already used in the installation.

Best regards.
answered 5 hours ago by derek g (347,180 points)