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2010 Lexus RX 350 – EVO-ALL Stand Alone with ASCL6 CARLINK: Remote Start Not Working ( NO IGNITION, NO CRANK)

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Issue: Remote start does not work when initiating the remote start command via factory remote (3X lock) and/or CARLINK App.

A few things that I noticed when trying to remote start the car:

  1. The transmitter and CARLINK app are communicating with the EVO-ALL - when the remote start is initiated, the blue LED on the EVO flashes once and a solid red light illuminates after.  During this time, no lights on the cluster/dash turns on and there is no crank.
  2. The EVO attempts this process again with the same results. After the second failed attempt, the red LED on the module and the car’s parking lights flashed 3 times. 
  3.  Next, I tried remote starting the vehicle using the idle mode. 
    • I started the car by stepping on the foot brake and pushing the START/STOP button.
    •   Once the car was running, I activated the remote start with the CARLINK app.
    • The remote start count-down timer appeared on the CARLINK app which tells me that the command was sent, and the module is in the remote start mode.
    • I stepped out of the vehicle and the dash screen notified me there was no key (car remained idling)
    • CARLINK app still showed the count-down timer for the run time.
    • I deactivated the remote start using the CARLINK app and the vehicle turned off.

I also checked to see if all the other commands were working properly by using the CARLINK app.

  1. Lock/unlock doors – good.
  2. Open/close back trunk/door – good
  3. Parking lights – good
  4. Vehicle lock and unlock status - good, shows on the app when the doors are locked or unlocked.
  5.  Battery voltage shows on app, (13V)

I’ve doubled and TRIPLE checked the wiring, making sure they were terminated as shown in the installation guide (GUIDE # 77041) and that all connections were secured.

I don’t know if I am having issues with the installation or programing. I tried resetting the evo and re-flashing it and also down-grading the firmware to 79.66 to match the firmware on the guide. I think I might have tried a different firmware version as well (in between 79.70 and 79.66) with no luck. I eventually got locked out of the EVO-ALL because the flash limit was reached. I ended up ordering a second EVO-ALL to started from scratch again and I encountered the same problem.

I confirmed that the car does not have a factory remote starter by pressing the factory remote Lock button 2X and holding it after;  the car did not start. Furthermore, I removed the glove box to check if a factory remote start was present, and as far as I can tell, I did not see one. The location of the factory remote starter was referenced from an Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (FLCAN and ALCA TL2) installation guide. If you have more details about where else this might be, please let me know and I can check again.

Please HELP! What should I check next?

Here are some details about the EVO-All that is currently installed.

  1.  Manf Date: 04/2023 
  2.  SN: 001A07499141
  3. Firmware Flashed: 79.70
  4. Hardware Inside 7.0
  5.  Setup Configuration
    • A1-A11 = ON
    • A12-A14 = OFF
    •  B1-B3 = OFF
    • C1 = ON
    • D1 = ON
      •   D1.8 = ON
      •  D1.10 = ON
      • All other D1.X = OFF
      •  D2-D5 = OFF (Guide shows D4, Hybrid Mode- do I need to turn this on?)
    • D6 = ON
    • D7 = OFF
    • G = ALL OFF
    • H2 = ON
  6. Wire Connection (connected according to diagram):
    • A8: Not connected - vehicle is equipped with factory hood pin so that status is provided via can bus, correct?
asked Oct 26, 2023 in Lexus by Phi Tran C (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

try rolling the firmware back and re programming the unit.

Use 79.56. once you flash this fw, re program the unit to the vehicle and re test.


If it still does not work please provide a picture of the area you have checked for the oem starter module. You can send it to


Best regards.
answered Oct 26, 2023 by derek g (358,230 points)