Questions & Answers

after setting reservation mode, engine won't shut off after last door closes; compustar 6000as with evo-all, scion frs

+1 vote
I have a 2013 scion frs 6speed, compustar 6000as with evo-all bypass.  evo-all is connected to compustar via d2d.  after setting reservation mode, the engine stays running but does not shut off when last door shuts.  d2d protocol is set as fortin for compustar.

I called tech support and was told evo-all needs a protocol turn on for scion frs.  and so i order an flash link updater.  what protocol or options needs to be turn on for the scion frs with compustar using evo-all bypass?
asked Jan 31, 2014 in Scion by moe ros (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Is this the push-to-start model or regular key?
answered Jan 31, 2014 by Robert T (305,380 points)
Regular key

I had an issue earlier with a client earlier that his compu was reacting the same way. He turned off the automatic reservation mode to fix the problem; the option where the remote starter automatically puts itself in reservation mode when lifting the handbrake. Turn that off if its on. This is the first thing you'd want to try since its a quick programming test.

Next would be to play around with the datalink protocol set between both compu and EVO.

Here are things you can try.


1- In the compu no matter which protocol it is set to, make sure that the programming is also set to be 2-way datalink and not 1-way.

2- Try a different datalink protocol.

  • Update the EVO to the latest Scion firmware 79.[11]
  • Then go in the EVO-ALL options tab of the flash link manager and turn ON option 21.2 (AP/OFA Datalink)
  • Go in the Compu programming and set it to ADS 2-way datalink
  • Plug everything in and reprogram the tach to the compu, DO NOT USE TACHLESS on manual vehicles