Questions & Answers

Mazda 6 heated-seat (steering wheel) turning ON via EVO-OVE?

0 votes

I would like to buy your EVO-ONE (or EVO-ALL) for my Mazda 6 2.5 Petrol, Automatic, 2020 (100th Anniversary edition). My preferences are:

1. Remote start via App (Android)

2. Automatic turning on of the Heated Seat and steering wheel if the temperature is below 5 or 10 degrees celsius (optionaly, turning on over Android app)


If I understand your systems right, I would need:

EVO-ONE + THAR-ONE-MAZ3 + FLASH-LINK UPDATER (for istallation) + EVO START (2) (For mbile connection options)

A) Can be heated seats function controlled by CAN-BUS? Or I have to use specific I/O of EVO-ONE? I do not want to cut any of OEM wirings, due to 5 years car Warranty.

B) As I live in EU, I see there is problem to use your EVO START cellular system outside CA. Is there any chance to use it in Europe, or there is no chance (new SIM card or whatever) ?

If I can not use EVO START, is there any alternate solution? E.g. using of mobile controlled "black box"  from other supplier and get it connected to control your system?


Thank you, BR, Martin
asked Feb 16, 2021 in Mazda by Martin Matej (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
First thing to note is we have not tested this solution on the eu based version of the mazda 6 2020. So there are no guarentees it will work.


Yes evo-one and mazt3 is the module and harness.


Heated seats would need to be hardwired between the evo and the vehicle. It is not controlled via can.


In regards to smart phone control I am not aware of any eu based telematics modules that currently work with the evo-one.
answered Feb 16, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
Hi Darek,

which Mazda 6 for EU was tested with your device? I mean, which Manufacturing year(s).


Thank you
None, we are based in Canada and test our solutions on vehicles built and flashed for the north american market.


While some eu vehicles will more or less be the same as their north american counter part, I cannot guarentee it will work 100% for the already mentioned reasons.
Contact Fortin Europe, some of those vehicles may require a key-wrap: