Questions & Answers

2005 Chrysler 300c Evo All install using T Harness Chrt5 no remote start after install

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My ignition wire setup as follows. 1. Purple/Orange

                                                     2. Purple/Brown

                                                     3. Pink/White      (Now says Pink)

                                                     4. Pink/Green     (Now says Pink)

                                                     5. LTBlue/Red

Module and RF kit (RM411) is programed and works fine. When I remote start I get a blue light for each lock press on OEM remote. 

Then it unlocks and locks and get RED and YELLOW lights with bottom blue flashing I hear the chime and it tries to engage without starting.

I know I can't be the first 300c first gen owner that has had this problem, any help would be greatly appreciated. I can share the video of the starting sequence (email or onedrive link).  Thanks!AglxCUFWL4h7k_RVT52kACjno0_xIA        (pic of Ignition plug)

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asked Oct 27, 2020 in Chrysler by 8itgreat (630 points)
edited Oct 30, 2020 by 8itgreat

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you connect the starter wire as shown in the diagram?


You are calling it "4. red/green", but in reality its pink/green like stated on page 4 in the guide below.
answered Oct 27, 2020 by derek g (357,480 points)
Trying not to get frustrated. the color combo description is pointless since I provided a picture and a video.

Please don't be vague like many of the answers I see on here makes me want to pull my hair out at this point.

I feel someone has been in the same situation and just simply gives me the answer.

I'm so freaking close to zipping this up. wirecolor info is slighly different.

Using connection F and what do I do IF I DON'T HAVE THE STARTER WIRE! Just use the other connections and isolate the wire that would have connected to it?

I usually get things right, so this is driving me a bit nuts and would like to button up the car and get on with my life lol.
I'll try to be clear for you.



Follow the guide I linked above and make the connections shown on page 4.

- 12 volts =

- STARTER = Pink/green

- Ingition = Pink/White

- MUX = Purple/Brown


I have sent a correction to our guides department to refelct the correct colors for the 12 volt wire.

If you go by pin position you will have no issues.
That was the first way I tried and It didn't work, but I will give it a go once more just to be sure. Sorry to come off as an A-Hole, super frustrated (more with myself).

I appreciate your help Derek.
I did exactly as you wrote and same thing...just doesn't want to start.
No worries.


When you make the connections do not use any type of t-tap or posi tap. Make a proper spliced connection.
I have my horn turned to off when locking,,,that wouldn't make a differnce right?
I figured it was going to come down to that....Using posi tap 12-18 gauge. Probably needed the ones to fit slightly smaller wires.

which wire would you suspect that isn't making the connection...start pink/white.? I going to check all of them...You talking like a military splice?
Yes, do a military splice on all the wires going to the ignition plug.


No the horn should not make any difference.