Questions & Answers

Programming Evo-all on GS 350 each time the car battery is disconnected needed?

+1 vote


I am writing you from Moscow, Russia and looking forward to receiving qualified advise in regards to the following issue.
Fortin Evo-all was installed on Lexus GS 350 (late 2013 model) recently (s/n: 001A06288784R).
Everything works as it should with the exception as follows:
The problem is that in case the battery is disconnected, fortin needs to be programmed again. And it repeats each time when the battery is disconnected (removed from the vehicle).
Would you please help me with this matter?
Kind regards, 
asked Jan 9, 2014 in Lexus by Viacheslav Burlaka (190 points)
edited Jan 9, 2014 by Viacheslav Burlaka

1 Answer

–1 vote
Best answer
The EVO does not reset itself from disconnecting the battery. Something else is going on.

I personnaly remove and reinstall units in vehicles after long periods of not having any power to them and they always work.
answered Jan 9, 2014 by Robert T (304,000 points)
selected Jan 11, 2014 by Viacheslav Burlaka
Thank you for the answer!

Could you please tell me whether the future new firmware may help with this issue?  Or it won't affect it?
Newest firmware does have updates for the Toyota/Lexus G-Key and for vehicles that would not crank, but i do not believe it would affect the problem you currently have. No harm in updating the EVO though.