Questions & Answers

I have asked 2 separate questions about the redesigned remote for the 2018 Mustang

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Is there anyone at Fortin that has personally installed one of your kits in a newer 2018-2019 Mustang with the REDESIGNED REMOTE  ??  

Has anyone at FORTIN even "TAKEN APART"  one of these redesigned remotes  ??

Why is it even necessary to hard wire a remote key fob into the Fortin module ??


Each time I've asked, I do not get a confirmation that the remote has indeed been redesigned and my question about taking the remote apart is not being addressed properly.
asked Oct 13, 2018 in Ford by Mark Royer (240 points)

1 Answer

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The mustang has the same remote for a couple years. You need to take it apart and follow what's shown in the install guide, we do not bypass the transponder in this vehicle. I personally did 4 of these vehicles, very easy install.
answered Oct 13, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)