Questions & Answers

are the dashed lines, in the FORT-1 install guide, required?

0 votes
for instance, the parking lights, the hood pin, the door locks.
asked Nov 7, 2017 in Ford by Joshua Halsey (630 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Parking lights are optional.


Door locks are only required if using an RF kit.


Hood pin is always recommended for saftey reasons.
answered Nov 9, 2017 by derek g (347,180 points)
selected Nov 9, 2017 by Joshua Halsey
What about the door pin?  Basically, I want to do as little as possible with splicing the factory wire bundles.  If I only install the CAN high and CAN low wires as well as the FORT1 harness, will the remote start function be fully operational or do I need to tie the hood pin wire to ground, install the door pin wires, etc.?