Questions & Answers

After programming my car states in the menu program NOT IN PARK.

+1 vote
My Evo All is programmed for my Dodge Journey 2016, but when I get in the car I can take off but it comes up with an error message that the car is not in park. If I put the car back in park and then in drive it will go away. Please advise if there is a fix for this. Thanks, Joe
asked Jul 26, 2017 in Dodge by joe schiavone (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please uninstall the t-harness if one is used and try to see if the issue goes away. Can you please provide the 12 digit service number and the guide number you followed.


Please visually check in the shifter location to see if possible anything may have fallen in that is keeping the shifter from going all the way into the PARK position, ( I only ask this because I have had calls similar to this which was caused by a physical thing stuck in the shifter mechanism)


Thank you,
answered Jul 26, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)