Questions & Answers

Minimum wiring requirements for 2013 Ford Escape

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I am trying to install EVO-FORT1 w/ T-Harness on 2013 Ford Escape.

On wiring diagram, the yellow/black wire from t-harness has a splice point of 3 wires A1/RS6/A16.  

1. Does this mean RS6 wire also needs to be spliced in conjunction with other 2 wires A1/A16?

2. Does my EVO come preprogrammed to do 3X lock start?
asked Feb 9, 2017 in Ford by nathan choi (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you installing the evo-fort1 as a stand alone or with a remote starter?

With this information I will be able to tell you exactly what wires you need to connect.
answered Feb 9, 2017 by derek g (357,480 points)
I dont know the difference. All I want to do is start up my vehicle and I do not need extra features.
I guess stand alone is my answer.
can hi can lo and hook up the indicated loose wires from the t-harness to the 20 pin as shown in the guide.
Perfect. The answer I needed. Thank you.
So, after wiring job, I tried programming, and numerous attempts made, I couldn't pass the programming.  So I made sure if wiring wasn't the issue by following the wiring scheme and wire colors, and finally checking the continuity.  I confirmed I get ~0V when key is not there, and get ~12V when key is in the ignition barrel on A1/A16 and ~14V when alternator kicks in.  A10 and A20 also get the voltage. Can Hi get 2.9V and Low get 2.15V.   So I've checked all the wires are good and spliced correctly.


 When I tried to program, I get solid red/blue.  I put the first key in, I get additional yellow color and turn the key to ignition, wait for 3 secs then take the key out. Then the second key in and this is when the blue blinks for 1 or 2 times and stay solid afterwards, turn the key to ignition and wait for 3 seconds then take the key out. Now press the button and hold and nothing happenes and red/blue stay solid no matter what.  I tried this for over 2 hours. Please help.
Please tell me what you have hooked up to the following wire:

1- Yellow A1

2- Lt.Blue/Black A10

3- Purple/Yellow A16

4- Lt.Blue A20


Also please provide the service number to the module.
Hello, Derek

1. Yellow A1 is spliced with Purple/Yellow A16 and Yellow/black from T Harness

2. Lt. Blue/Black A10 is spliced with same color wire from T harness

3. Purple/yellow A16 is done the same way as number 1 above.

4. Lt. Blue A20 is spliced with Lt. Blue from T Harness


Service # 001A06 696093

Hardware Ver. 6

Firmware Vr 71-34

This does seem correct, the only other thing I would suggest is if you are using t-taps or butt connector remove them.

If you are still experiencing issues at that point give us a call when you are in the vehicle, we are here to help: Toll Free: 1-877-336-7797
