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Can bus not progrmming ford edge 2014

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I had an issue sunday with this, and i received a reply about hooking up the three wires from the t-harness. that got me alot further!


Tonight I hooked up the additional 3 wires from the t-harness and was able to program the unit with the keys. the blue red led flashed 10 times, then the blue led comes on by itself for a second or so then goes off. no more activity.  I retried this maybe 5 times. I assumed I had an issue with the Can Bus wires, so I disconnected them verified the colors and remade new connections. same result.


Also once it programs (doors lock and unlock and lights flash) when I turn the key off and remove it, the radio and dash lights stay on even after closing door and waiting a while. I assume this is a symtom.
asked Jan 26, 2017 in Ford by Darrell Coffey (240 points)

1 Answer

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If the blue led does not flash then you still have an issue with the can bus wires. Either connection or wrong wires.
answered Jan 26, 2017 by derek g (359,350 points)
selected Jan 30, 2017 by derek g
I was doing more searching and I found a note that said if it programs, then dont do another reset becasue something about decrypt? I do believe on one occasion it did flash a few times, but nothing like in the video. Could this be the problem?


I did verify the canbus wires, and even re-made connections.

I'll put a meter on it make absolutely sure.


If it partially started programming the canbus, is it possible I have it in a half/state? Will a master reset clear this and if so since it is flagged to not loose settings on master reset, would that be safe since I dont have a FUL
When you meter them tonight check them in volts dc key in on position and tell me what you get for each wire.

Also check them at the connector for the evo this way you will check your connection as well.
I found the problem!  Once I put a meter on the can bus wires I found the issue. I had used quck splices and apparently that was a bad idea. I removed those and soldered the connections and success.



Thanks for all your help, my wife is now off my butt!
"Happy wife happy life!"

Glad ya got it figured out.