Questions & Answers

Can the EVO-ONE directly activate the heated seats through the CAN-BUS interface, for a 2016 Tuscon?

0 votes
Can the EVO-ONE directly activate the heated seats through the CAN-BUS interface, for a 2016 Tuscon?

If not, do I need to hook-up an AUX ouput to control the seats directly?
asked Oct 25, 2016 in Hyundai by Dom D (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The evo does not do heated seats through can.

If you wanted to turn them on you would need relays because the wires in the car are positive but the AUX output from the evo is negative.
answered Oct 25, 2016 by derek g (359,350 points)

Would you happen to know where I can locate the heater wires, front and rear. So I  tap in to the control signal that activates the heater element, as follows:

The info I have is for the key model.

Left front heated seat: RED ( + ) A/C control White 24 pin plug, pin 2 or White 32 pin plug, Pin 5

Right front heated seat: RED ( + ) A/C control White 24 pin plug, pin 14 or White 32 pin plug, Pin 17