Questions & Answers

Programming the EVO ALL just for the alarm function

+1 vote
I followed the guide 16221.pdf to make the connections for my car (a 5 speed Toyota Yaris 2012) according to the pages 10 and 11, aso connected the CAN high and low.

Flashed the module in connection mode Bypass just with the alarm options ON, no remote start and immobiliser (my car doesnt have one, not IMMO data in the OBDII plug).

When I tried the programming, guide 29771:

1.Insert datalink, hold the button, release when leds blue and red are on

2. Connect the rest of the cables (20 pin and CAN), press the programming button twice.

3.Blue and red leds flash, turned the key to the ON position.

4. The red led just keep flashing, the blue one never turn on, I did the CAN check and connections are  OK

I appreciate any help
asked May 3, 2016 in Toyota by Danny Rivera (510 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Looking at your service number, there are a couple of issues

First, you need to turn on A1 to A11, most of the statuses are on those options so if those are off, the evo alarm will not ring if you open a door. You can leave A3 OFF since your vehicle does not have an immobilizer system.

Then you only need to program the cans on the evo,

1.Press and hold programming button

2.Plug in datalink,

3.Release on Blue

4.connect all remaining connectors

5.Turn Igntion to the ON position

6.Blue led should shut off, then start to flash rapidly

7.Then test.
answered May 3, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)
selected May 3, 2016 by Danny Rivera
I did the programming today, but the system will not arm with the oem remote or self arm after 30 seconds, so it will not trigger with the hood switch, doors or the Fortin shock sensor.

The yellow led of the evo all  turns yellow when I start the engine. The connections are ok beacuse if I disconect th data link (power and ground) the horn goes off steady.

But I dont recieve any confirmtaion when the system arm, I already tried with an older fimware and the newest.

As stated here

OEM remote monitoring is not possible on this vehicle due to limitiations in the vehicle itself.

So trying to arm the vehicle with your oem remote will not work, it requires an aftermarket remote.

Ok,I was in process of buying the FTX64  1-way rf kit but got my order cancelled by Amazon due to low stock, this will be the solution ?


Yes you can use that RF kit to control the alarm.

Here is the programming you will need to follow to pair those up with the evo, you will require the flash link updater to configure it correctly.

i just installed today and programmed both controllers from  the FTX64 2-way kit, at first I was not doing the pairing setps correctly but now seems to work fine.

Thanks yes

hi my dear

i have Yaris 2013 , i connect all wires as the digram but the prosedure of programming is not complete

step 5 , when i turn the ign. on the two led red and blue are turn off and still off

i check the connection

i check another lower firmware and more version

i change three module

i hope you help me
