Questions & Answers

use of Diesel Mode in 2014 grand cherokee summit deisel

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My car is 2014 grand cherokee summit diesel

I can know that Delay on start for 2014 grand cherokee summit diesel is possible  using  Evo-CHRT6 and Fortin RF642W 2-Way LED RF Kit.



asked Oct 26, 2015 in Jeep by taehoon Kim (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The diesel delay is non adjustable on the EVO-CHRT6 and is set to 10 seconds.
answered Oct 26, 2015 by Robert T (303,700 points)

Thank you for your answer.

Use of Diesel mode is possible

Use of Diesel mode is set to 10 seconds.

Use of Diesel mode is not adjstable 

is it correct?

Correct. There is a Diesel mode that needs to be enabled in the EVO-ALL at the time of installation.