Questions & Answers

Evo-all not able to bring up options

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I am trying to change option 15 to stand alone using flashlink updater on evo all service#001a06242717, when i press options it says it is loading options but never gets to the screen to be able to change the options, it continuously says loading options.
asked Dec 7, 2013 in Dodge by John Taylor (160 points)

1 Answer

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Hi John,

Two things:

  1. If their is an intermittent internet connection problem, the EVO-ALL Options tab will not load properly since it loads from a web-page. With the latest Flash-Link Manager 3.31, you can still access the Options button on the bottom right corner without the need of an internet connection.
  2. If the Flash-Link Updator is not a hardware 2, you would not be able to change options in the EVO.


answered Dec 9, 2013 by Robert T (303,700 points)