Questions & Answers

Verify Communications of D2D

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I am unsure that my remote starter (a Viper 5706V) is communicating properly with the EVO-All.

I updated the flash to enable D2D, but it makes me suspicious that this category was hidden from me in main screen of the flash manager software.

Is there any way of telling if the D2D communcation is set up properly?  Is the D2D comm just standard UART? If so is it human readable ascii or just a byte stream?


I am attempting to install this setup into a 2011 Nissan Xterra

When I attempt to remote start I, the ignition turns on but there is no starter turn over despite power at the starter pin.  The alert on the dash also indicates that the key is missing.  Alternativly if the key is in the ignition the car will remote start.

When looking at the EVO-All

The Yellow ignition light does come on

but neither the Blue or Red LEDs come on, this is despite having the GWR wire hooked to the 5706V

I have looked at the installation of the EVO-All with other DEI products like SmartStart but have not found anything about the 5706V, 5704, or 5702. Do you know if DEI uses the same D2D pinout across their products?  When I opend up the 5706, I am pretty sure GND and Power traces are correct but the blue and white are not so obvious.
asked Feb 10, 2015 in Nissan by chris meehan2 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Can you please provide us with the service number on the back of the Evo All, that will help us see if the necessary options are turned on.


Which data port is the Evo All connected at the Viper remote starter?


When you did the programming, did you successfully do ALL the steps?


The RED led should always turn on before the Yellow led when trying to remote start.


As a quick test, disconnect the GWR from the remote starter and connect the Evo ALL GWR (dark blue) side to ground, does the red light turn ON? if yes, try to remote start the vehicle, does it start? If yes, I would test the timing on the GWR, if it is turning on too late (almost at the same time as the IGN), try hooking up the disarm wire with the GWR of the starter and Evo.


answered Feb 10, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
I put this project aside for a few years, was too busy!  But I got back into it today.  My service number is 001A06 404448, this is an older unit now so I cannot upgrade FW. Programming worked fine, just like last time.  I confirmed that D2D is not working, so i started using direct wiriing instead. My locks work, I can see the blue LED for CAN traffic working.  Remote start works with the key in the ignition, and I can start the car by key too. Just doesnt work with out the key.    I have confirmed that no red LED comes on before the yellow.  I only get yellow when attempting to start, even with GWR grounded and trunk release grounded.  I cant get the red LED to turn on for anything.  What logic does the unit use to turn on the red LED?

I ordered a new EVO-ALL, in the hopes that I am not wasting my money for the 3rd time! 2nd time was with an EVO-One, which is another story.
At this point, 7 years and 3 modules later, I highly recommend bringing this vehicle to a professional shop/installer. We do not want you to keep buying modules at this point, the full installation on this vehicle should not normally take longer than 2-3 hours.
Yeah, I dont trust the pros and their shoddy work.  I dont want anyone putting t-taps on my wiring. Id rather take the time to do it right, even if my availability in the last 7 years isnt great, lol.  Maybe you guys should pay me to fix your bad firmware.