Questions & Answers

2014 Ford F250 Evoall instructions RX/TX wire info may be backwards??

+1 vote
Could you check the info on the Rx and Tx wire colors on a 2014 Ford F250 Diesel. The EvoAll instructions show the RX wire color Violet/Orange and the TX wire color Yellow/Orange.The bypass would not program up properly so we had checked with Mitchel ProDamand and  the wire colors are showing reverse to what Fortin is showing. So we reversed the wires and everything programed properly.

Which makes us think that the EvoAll wire instructions from the web site are wrong.

Please verify.


Bast Radiator & Automotive Ltd.
asked Jan 19, 2015 in Ford by Basts (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Rule of thumb for Ford, forget about the colors, Rx is always pin 4.  The color change happens between the 40-bit (up to 2010) and 80 bit models. I'll check out the install guide tomorrow. The wirecolor infor seems to be correct.


answered Jan 19, 2015 by Robert T (303,700 points)