Questions & Answers

solid orange and red light after 1st decryptor

0 votes

Trying to get my remote start in my 12 Passat TDI working. When I get to the decryptor stage 2 it just has solid orange and red light on when you reinstall and turn on the key, it stops there, just those 2 lights.

its t harness VW_T6 so there isn't really much to hook up, all plug an play except i had to wire in the key reader.  car doesn't need the brake pressed, and i didn't wire in the hazzard wire as it was listed as optional.  seams like it read the key fine, and the app seemed to program the unit after. 

any ideas what i can try, i have all ready hit the flash/decryptor limit. the last thing i was trying was to use the firmware in the instructions instead of the recommended in the app. however i could not do the decryptor step as i hit the limit. 

asked 2 days ago in Volkswagen by Bradv (350 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
The module wasn't getting a ignition signal on a1 wire, I hooked the loose ignition wire in the harness to the a1 wire (same color) and it works now.
answered 2 days ago by Bradv (350 points)
selected 1 day ago by derek g2
0 votes
Please flash version firmware 4.20.

After flashing that firmware, make sure to reset the EVO-ALL before attempting to program it in the car.

To reset, release on RED, then press and hold until all 3 LEDs start to alternate again.

To reset the dcryptor limit itself, I will need the 12 digit service number of your EVO-ALL module.
answered 2 days ago by Robert T (300,950 points)
The module wasn't getting a ignition signal on a1 wire, I hooked the loose ignition wire in the harness to the a1 wire (same color) and it works now.