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2017 S3 - First Time Installer/User want to make sure I have the correct parts!

+1 vote

Hey everyone! First time user/installer here and I am doing a mini project to install the remote starter on my own. I was originally quoted over $600 to do an install and after some research, I've found that it's a relatively easy DIY install. Given it's my first time, I'd like to make sure I've got all the parts needed to get it working the way I want.

My car:
2017 Audi S3 Prestige (Push to Start) - Initial Delivery date of Feb 2017 (in case manufacture date matters)

How I'd like it to work:
Simple ~50 feet (~20 meters) distance to remote start using 3 presses of the lock button with the OEM Remote.
I do not want to install a spare-key in my vehicle or sacrifice one of the key fobs
I'd like both key fobs to be able to remote-start the car
I'd like the car to run for 15-20 minutes before turning off

To do the install, I've purchased two items so far: 
Fortin EVO-ONE  From Amazon [OR Fortin VW-T1 (from Walmart, sold w/ THAR)]
Fortin FLU-100.2 From Amazon (Crimestopper)
Fortin THAR-VW1

I read in the installation instructions that the Key Bypass - TB-VW Module is not supported with the Virtual cockpit (or virtual cluster). Are there any workarounds?
Are there are special parts that I require?
Are there any concerns with respect to my battery? (I already have a dash cam & radar detector installed directly to the fuse box)
Are there different versions for American or Canadian cars?

Thanks so much!

asked Nov 2, 2023 in Audi by Natan Ostro (130 points)
edited Nov 2, 2023 by Natan Ostro

1 Answer

0 votes

At $600, the cost is exceptionally fair considering the type of car, the parts, service, warranty on labor, warranty on parts, an MECP certified tech (in most cases) and so much more...

I read in the installation instructions that the Key Bypass - TB-VW Module is not supported with the Virtual cockpit (or virtual cluster). Are there any workarounds?

No, if the vehicle has the virtual cluster, unfortunately a bypass solution does not exist. The remote starter installation requires the use of key. If that's the case, the proper install guide needs to followed and the RS module needs to be flashed accordingly to that guide. 

The bigger questions here would be..
Does the vehicle have the virtual cockpit?
Automatic or Manual transmission?


answered Nov 2, 2023 by Robert T (303,700 points)