Questions & Answers

2017 SQ5 Evo-All do not run

0 votes

I have install Fortin Evo-audt1 on my audi sq5 2017 but doesn't work. I have connect foot brake wire, Can H & Can L under steering column also I tried under hood clutch and  harness on key port. I did the program but on the 8th step doesn't flash red and yellow light, only 3x red light. I try to remote start but nothing happen. if i put the key on key port the remote starter works. SN 001A07 481140. VIN:WA1CCAFP3HA009841.

Can you help what can I do?
asked Oct 10, 2023 in Audi by exhango (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Is the vehicle automatic or manual tranmission? I ask becasue you mentioned a clutch in your question.


Best regards.
answered Oct 11, 2023 by derek g (357,480 points)
No its automatic transmissiom
You are following the wrong programming. You should only be programming on the BLUE led as shown on page 6.


Also this vehicle requires you to sacrifice a key for remote start.


Best regards.
Okay... can I sacrifice e key with thor aud1 t harnes?
No, you cannot use the audt1, is not listed nor supported on the 2017 sq5.
I think evo all its alright for this car?
Yes, evo all is fine.
Thank you very much I appreciate...

I am in Connecticut USA, how many days need to be here the remote kit?
I have no idea. I do not sell Fortin products, I am tech support.