Questions & Answers

2018 Ford F-150 STD key evoall not starting truck

0 votes
Plugged in the Tharness correctly. When connecting the moduel I held down the small button on it while connecting the black power wire, and let go of it when the light was blue. Connected the white wire on the other side of the module. turned on truck to ignition on, waited for blue light to flicker for a bit then ignition off and key out. Tried the triple press on lock and nothing happens. Turn to ignition on again and the module is showing a yellow light.

Cant get the remote start to work
SN:001A07005461 Model:EVO-ALL


posté Nov 11, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par sdgfsdf sdfsdfsd (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The module is set for lock-unlock-lock. Perhaps try that.
répondu Nov 12, 2019 par derek g (358,230 points)