Questions & Answers

Parking lights not working on 2018 carvan

0 votes
I tapped the white green wire in lights switch harness cable with a 1.5kohm resister inline on brown white cable coming from 20 pin harness from kit but on remorte start parking lights are not turning on i went to module setting and turned on parking light control still not working tried reprogramming the module after parking (-) cable is connected still nothing. Please suggust me any solution Thanks.

NOTE: vehicle doesn't have auto light switch.
posté Sept 22, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par ijaz rizwan (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
If you ground the wire yourself that you are connected to with the 1.5k OHM do the park lights turn on? Did you test the wire and verify it is actually the park light wire?
répondu Sept 23, 2019 par derek g (347,180 points)