Questions & Answers

About Mazda CX-9 GT 2018 Horn Activation and Liftgate releasing?

0 votes
Hi. I have two questions about the horn and liftgate (trunk) of 2018 CX-9.

1) Is there any way to activate horn while CX-9 2018 is parked and off in a parkinglot? or does it require additional wiring? I tried searching high and low at fortin with no luck at all, as they don't have any additional information about horn wiring/activation for this model. Someone did it but they won't share the info. Here's the video:

2) Can I release the Liftgate Using Evo-One while CX-9 2018 is on in either P/N modes with OEM Remote?

I tried to look for options for that but all I found was trunk output pulse or something similar.

Any help is much appreciated. The question has been here unansewered for over a year and still counting.
posté Fev 8, 2019 dans la catégorie Mazda par Hassan Aldossary (160 points)
modifié Mar 30, 2020 par Hassan Aldossary

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