Questions & Answers

lock/unlock wires in frontier door panel

+1 vote
What is the difference between the door lock lock/arm and unlock unlock/disarm wires.  I found the lock and unlock wires in my 2105 Frontier, but can locate the lock/arm, unlock/disarm wires.  Can I just use those the ones I found for the EVO-One connection.  The lock was purple and the unlock was light green, as it's show in the wirecolor printout.
posté Fev 3, 2018 dans la catégorie Nissan par sal desimone (530 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
lock and unlock will NOT control the factory alarm (if equiped), lock/arm & unlock/dis arm WILL control the factory alarm (if equipped).
répondu Fev 5, 2018 par derek g (358,030 points)
élue Fev 6, 2018 par Robert T
Thanks. I figured out my problem. I had the door open when checking the wiring so the alarm wouldn't trigger. Holding in the door pin and checking gave me the right readings.