Questions & Answers

What is the easiest way to connect a door pin wire on a 2014 Nissan Maxima?

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I've installed a evo combo ( EVO-NIST1) and the only connection I haven't done is the door pin because I don't know where the BCM plug is located on the vehicle. Some say behind the cluster and other say behind the glovebox. It's funtion is for the auto lights.
posté Jan 29, 2018 dans la catégorie Nissan par Ariel Alcaide (130 points)

1 Réponse

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The BCM on your vehicle is beind the instrument cluster. 

Here is the location for the drivers door pin: lt. blue wire @ BCM behind instrument cluster, green 40 pin connector, pin 39

répondu Jan 29, 2018 par derek g (358,030 points)