Questions & Answers

Evo-One for 2005 Volvo XC90

+1 vote
Does Evo-One for 2005 XC90 remote start work with OEM remote or you have to add RF kit no matter what? I do not see installation guide for Evo-One for XC90. I only see Evo-All only. Is there Evo-One for XC90? Is it as simple installation as just four wires connections for Evo-One as Evo-All (per its installation guide)? Thanks.
posté Oct 13, 2016 dans la catégorie Volvo par Sung Kim (350 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
3x Lock from OEm remote not supported. Need RF kit.

In order to instal the evo-one you would follow the guide for the evo-all for the installation of the bypass and programming.

Then you would have to locate and connect all the ignition, acc and starter wires.
répondu Oct 13, 2016 par derek g (357,980 points)
élue Oct 15, 2016 par Robert T
installed evo one according to evo all guide for can wires.  then hooked up 12v, ign, acc1, acc2, starter, keysense, ground, brake.  keyless entry works great however the system doesnt pick up that im trying to remote start it.

omega 12sst remotes (tried all of the omega remotes) flashed to 0.44 for omega

the system doesnt flash blue when you send remote start command like it normally does for keyless entry comands.