Questions & Answers

2015 ford explorer police package with S key basic keys

+1 vote
2015 explorer police package, has generic old school S keys  do we have a solution for this car? Wanting to do an evo-all with rf kit if possible.
posté Dec 15, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par kenny johnson (440 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
I was told they actually have no transponder. They probably take the old s keys because they still fit the ignition barrel.

You can wrap the head of the key with aluminium foil and try to start the car to see if there is transponder
répondu Dec 15, 2014 par kenny johnson (85,210 points)
so if i use an EVO-ALL what programming do i use and what wiring diagram is used?
If the car has no transponder use only first part of dcryptor programming. Release on blue, ignition on, blue flash ignition off. This is all in theory, this car has never been tested
Kenny did you get this working?  No bypass needed, correct?